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Plus Size Fitness Tips

February 23, 2022

Lisa snow personal trainerFitness Means Different Things For Different Body Types

By Lisa Snow, personal trainer

Starting a fitness routine can be challenging for anyone, but even more so for plus size people.  With masking, shutdowns, and remote work, EVERYONE — slim and plus size alike — has lost some strength and endurance, so now we’re ALL beginners together.  Here are a few tips to help you restart your routine this year.


  1. Set your course. 

    Consider what you want to get out of fitness, be kind to yourself.  Remember that some plus size personal training clients want to lose weight, while others want to get stronger, have better balance, and become more flexible, all while staying at their current weight.  BOTH goals are valid.


  1. Fire the peanut gallery. 

    plus size fitness tips

    Once you start losing weight. Or staying the same weight, but getting more energetic and vibrant), friends, family, and coworkers may start to comment on the positive change.  They (mostly) mean well, but even comments meant to be encouraging can be triggering or depressing for some plus size people.  If you want them to stop, thank them for the good intentions, then make it clear that this is NOT a topic you want them to comment on.


  1. Try a TRX or other small equipment items.

    Buying a big, expensive treadmill and then NOT using it daily can make beginners feel guilty or defeated.  On the other hand, TRX straps take up zero space, and cost under $250.  So if you end up using it once a week instead of once a day, it’ll still feel like a win.  I’ve seen clients up to 400 lbs use it and feel empowered.  A TRX may last a decade or more. Unlike bands, a TRX can’t be ripped by overly enthusiastic cats or dogs.  And unlike dumbbells, you’ll never need to buy heavier ones.  By changing the angle of your body, you can take the exercises from beginner to advanced.


  1. Consider an incline (“cheese wedge”) mat (instead of a bench)

    For dumbbell exercises.  For tall, broad shouldered, or heavy clients, an old school weight bench can feel uncomfortably narrow.  Incline mats are wide, durable, and comfortable.  They’re not just for kids doing gymnastics.  They can help adults do dumbbell exercises like bench presses, flys, pullovers, and rows.  Many plus size clients are surprised to learn that (even if they struggle with cardio) they are naturally good at strength training!  Here’s an example: https://www.ucsspirit.com/gymnastics-softplay/product-detail.cfm/category/Skill-Development-Shapes/product/Wedges


Be your own cheerleader.  Phone apps like Strides, Habit Bull – or even putting a checkmark on your paper calendar each day you workout – can help you celebrate small wins.


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