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Fitness is More Than Training

May 23, 2022

fitness is more than just trainingFitness is About More Than Just Training

Going to the gym on a regular basis is important.  No one will dispute that.  Some form of exercise is recommended at least 30 minutes per day by the American Heart Association. Many other health related agencies have similar guidelines, too.  Exercise doesn’t mean working out, or strength training, everyday.  Some days may call for a brisk walk or meditation.  However, if you are truly focused on a specific fitness goal, you will need to adopt some important habits.

Effective Workout Plan

Getting from point A to point B takes some form of direction.  When the goal is fitness oriented, the direction comes in the form of a workout plan.  Develop a plan on how to achieve a fitness goal.  This is the framework by which every day’s workout will be designed.  You’ve got to keep the goal in mind.  If the goal is to shave time off your running pace, you will want to design a plan that includes sprinting, leg strength training, as well as dietary guidelines.  You want to improve your speed, build muscle to become a more efficient runner and fuel your body to prepare it for the extra training. 

Healthy Lifestyle

This will mean different things to each person.  Again, this is something with a point A and a point B.  You’ll want to evaluate for yourself exactly where your starting point lies.  Then look inward to envision your “dream body” scenario.  There will undoubtedly be sacrifices you’ll need to make to see the change you want to occur.  These changes may be changes in your sleep habits, eating habits and daily activity.  Maybe having a walking meeting instead of a sitting meeting will bring about additional daily activity.  Cutting down on processed or sugary foods.  Going to sleep at a consistent time each evening.  These are all healthy lifestyle changes that you’ll want to champion for yourself. 

Discipline & Hard Work

We’ve mentioned regular exercise and consistency with healthy lifestyle habits.  These cannot be overstated.  By doing a deeper dive into these traits we have to talk about discipline and hard work.  Reaching peak performance is not about checking boxes for gym time.  It’s about digging deeper when you would rather take a break.  It’s about doing a few extra repetitions of bicep curls even before your personal trainer tells you.  Tell them first with your actions.  Breaking through barriers takes that extra effort that most people are not willing to do.  Do it for yourself!  

Equals Dream Body

Taking these ideas as an outline for your situation will help you come up with the plan, lifestyle and discipline that it will take you to reach your dream body fitness goals.  Remember, before you start any physical fitness program, consult your physician.


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