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The Correlation of Improving Depression Symptoms through Weight Training

April 7, 2023

Taking Control of Your Mental and Physical Health

weight training to relieve depression
Depression is a mental illness that affects millions of people worldwide. The World Health Organization estimates that around 264 million people worldwide suffer from depression. While there are various treatments for depression, such as medication and therapy, recent studies have shown that weight training can be a useful tool in managing and reducing depression symptoms.


Data encouragingly suggests that resistance training was associated with a significant reduction in depressive symptoms in 89% of outcome events across 33 studies. This is an encouraging statistic that supports the idea that weight training can be an effective treatment for depression.

But what is the reason behind this correlation?

One theory is that exercise, in general, can help to reduce depression symptoms. Exercise releases endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that promote feelings of happiness and well-being. Weight training, in particular, can be a powerful form of exercise because it requires focus, concentration, and effort. These elements can help to distract individuals from negative thoughts and feelings, which are often associated with depression.  If you are just beginning your fitness journey, you may benefit from the guidance of a personal trainer.

The Benefits

In addition, weight training can provide a sense of accomplishment and achievement. When individuals engage in weight training, they set goals and work towards them. As they achieve these goals, they gain a sense of pride and confidence. This sense of accomplishment can help to counteract the feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness that are common in depression.
Moreover, weight training can improve physical health, which in turn can help to alleviate depression symptoms. Depression can cause physical symptoms such as fatigue, aches, and pains. Weight training can help to strengthen muscles, improve cardiovascular health, and increase overall energy levels. These physical improvements can lead to a reduction in depression symptoms.
It’s important to note that weight training is not a cure for depression, and it should not replace other treatments such as therapy or medication. However, it can be a helpful addition to a depression management plan. Individuals with depression should always consult with their healthcare provider before starting a weight training program.
Weight training has been shown to have a significant correlation with reducing depressive symptoms. This correlation is likely due to the release of endorphins, the sense of accomplishment, and the physical improvements that weight training can provide. If you suffer from depression, consider adding weight training to your management plan.  Beginning with personal training can be a great catalyst for your results. Remember to always consult with your healthcare provider and start slowly to avoid injury. With time and dedication, weight training can be a useful tool in reducing depression symptoms and improving overall well-being.
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